Episode 109: Catsbutt – A Reimagining of “Catspaw” The Crew • April 8, 2019 The crew turns an eye to the TOS episode “Catspaw,” Trek’s Halloween Special. What worked? What didn’t? What would we change, given the opportunity? Hosts: Jarrah, Andi, Sue Editor: Andi Transcription: Grace Download Transcript: PDF or Word
Not sure if you had time to think about this… or why you would… but, who wore it better, Korob or Gilligan? https://trekkerscrapbook.files.wordpress.com/2011/07/mrs-howell-in-lovey-s-secret-admirer-gilligans-island-20632762-640-480.jpg https://trekkerscrapbook.files.wordpress.com/2011/07/catspawhd0573.jpg Reply
Not sure if you had time to think about this… or why you would… but, who wore it better, Korob or Gilligan?