Author: The Crew

Episode 187: Prodigy Times Ten (Season 1, Part 1)

Star Trek Prodigy show art

We’re joined by guest Jenn Tifft (Trekcore, Snap Trek) for an episode-by-episode look at the first half of Star Trek: Prodigy’s first season, including first impressions, favorite characters and what we want to see when the show returns! Hosts:  Andi…

Episode 186: “Dark Page”

Deanna and Lwaxana in "Dark Page"

We’re joined by Azucena for an in-depth look at the 7th Season TNG episode, “Dark Page.” We discuss production notes, the themes of the episode, and the depth of character added to Lwaxana Troi. Content Note: In depth discussions of…

Episode 185: Meet the New Host, Ezri

Ezri Dax

Dax is back on DS9 with a new body and a new name. We’re joined by Jessie Gender to talk about Ezri Dax’s character development, friendships and romantic relationships, memorable moments, and why her journey resonates with trans fans and…