Author: The Crew

Episode 156: Disco 3188 (Discovery Season 3)

It’s time for another season review! In this supersized episode, Jessie Gender joins the crew to dissect Star Trek Discovery’s third season. We go episode by episode and discuss new characters, ships, tech, representation, and stories – Plus the successes,…

Episode 155: Viruses & Pandemics in Trek

After a year dominated by news of a global pandemic, Sherri joins the crew to take a look at some the accidental, engineered, and weaponized viruses in the Star Trek Universe, from the Klingon Mutagenic Virus in Enterprise to Voyager’s…

Episode 153: Memorable Meals in Trek

‘Tis the season to discuss some of Star Trek’s most memorable meal scenes, from tense diplomatic negotiations to first time dates with your favorite Cardassian tailor. Andi, Grace and Sarah talk about their favorite food scenes of Trek. Download Now…

Episode 152: Comfort Trek

2020 is challenging, but Star Trek has got our back. Grace and Jarrah discuss the best episodes to watch when the world gets to be a little too much and you’re looking for either catharsis or distraction. Download Now (right-click…

Episode 151: Body Diversity and Inclusivity

Callie joins us to discuss body diversity and inclusivity (or lack thereof) in the Star Trek Universe – specifically focusing on disability, transness, and size – from what we’ve seen and hope to see on screen to behind-the-scenes accounts and…

Episode 150: Lower Decks Season 1

A new ship, new characters, and more Trek references than you can shake a bat’leth at! Kennedy, Andi, Grace, and Sarah review the first season of Lower Decks and discuss what they hope to see in Season 2. Badgey, put…

Episode S21: Talking Trek with Jackie Cox

Trekkie and drag performer Jackie Cox joins us to talk about all things Trek. We discuss the franchise’s costume aesthetic, how its storytelling attracts marginalized fans, the history and future of representation in Star Trek, and more. Download Now (right-click…