Author: The Crew

Episode 144: Deep Space Bob Ross

Cover art with Kira and her sculptures in "Accession"

We’re joined by guest Amanda Wong to talk about Star Trek’s in-universe artists and their art. We discuss Marla McGivers’ dictator portraits, Kira’s attempts at sculpture, Jake’s writing, and themes like political art and works by artificial lifeforms like Data.…

Episode 142: Well, Here We Yar

show art

Raised on an lawless colony world, Tasha Yar dedicated her too-short life to order and justice. This week we discuss Tasha’s origins and plumb the depths of her most memorable moments, from “The Naked Now” to “Yesterday’s Enterprise.” Download Now…

Episode 140: “Facets” of Dax

The crew picks up the jewelers loupe to better examine the “Facets” of Jadzia Dax, as her former hosts embody her friends on Deep Space 9, and talk about mentorship, bodily autonomy, gender, imposter syndrome, and more. This episode is…

Episode 139: O Captain, My Captain (Janeway)

It’s time to take another look at a captain’s love life. This time, we’re talking about those characters who grabbed Kathryn Janeway’s attention, from Mark to Kashyk to Jaffen; and even some of those ‘ships that never left port, like…

Episode 138: Unpopular Star Trek Opinions

Is Data over-used? Is the Prime Directive an excuse to turn a blind eye to inconvenient problems? Is “The Wrath of Khan” overrated? Should Tuvix have returned to the Alpha Quadrant with Voyager? The crew discusses some “unpopular” Star Trek…