Author: The Crew

Episode 55: Ripped and Machiavellian

mirror hoshi sato on the bridge

Put on your crop tops and keep a knife handy because we’re going to the Mirror Universe. We’ll discuss the costumes, characters, and messages about race, gender and sexuality. Hosts: Grace, Jarrah, Andi Guest: Rumman –, @ruchowdh Editor: Jarrah Transcription: Grace…

Episode 54: Indigenous Representation in Star Trek

An amazing group of guests, including Molly Swain and Chelsea Vowel (Métis In Space), professor and author Sierra Adare-Tasiwoopa Api, and David Holquinn (Trekradio) join us to talk about Indigenous representation in Trek, from “The Paradise Syndrome” to Chakotay. Host: Jarrah Guests: Sierra Adare-Tasiwoopa…

Episode 53: Fanfic Part 1 – Pre-Internet

cover art from Spockanalia fanzine

The crew is joined by Erica Massey, a PhD student studying modern literature and pop culture, to discuss pre-internet Star Trek fanfiction. We discuss the fanzine production process, the culture of the early fanfic community, and debates around “slash” fic.…

Episode 52: Book Club – The “Legacies” Series

The crew discusses the three-part “Legacies” series, which was released in celebration of Star Trek’s 50th Anniversary and follows Number One as she finally completes a mission that began 15 years prior. Hosts: Andi, Sue, Jarrah Editor: Andi Transcription: Rebecca – @carolinalady…

Episode 51: Set a Course for Home

Voyager introduced us to the Delta Quadrant, several new alien species, and of course Star Trek’s first woman captain to lead a show. The crew is joined by Charlynn Schmiedt to discuss the stories, characters, and themes in Season 1.…

Episode 50: “The Child”

Deanna and Ian Andrew

We take an in-depth look at the Next Gen episode “The Child,” in which Troi is impregnated by an alien being. Hosts: Andi, Jarrah, Grace, Sue Editor: Andi Transcription: Rebecca – @carolinalady Download transcript: PDF or Word Notes and References: TV Tropes article…