Author: The Crew

Episode 221: Starfleet Brats

Katie and Markeia join us for a discussion of Starfleet “Brats” – the children of active officers – focusing on Wesley Crusher, Jake Sisko, and Naomi Wildman. Why do they all have single parents? How do they cope in dangerous…

Episode 220: Black Pain in Trek

Listen as Kennedy, Grace and Aliza start to unpack how Star Trek portrays Black trauma, from the underdevelopment of Travis Mayweather, to Michael Burnham and Ben Sisko having to “earn” their captaincy. Hosts:  Kennedy, Aliza, and Grace Editor:  Andi Download…

Episode 219: Quarkin’ 9 to 5

In response to a poll of our listeners on Patreon, we talk about Deep Space Nine’s “Bar Association” and how it relates to labor organizing and workers’ rights today, including connections to the WGA strike. Hosts:  Jarrah and Grace Guest: …

Episode 217: Festive Hairbands and Air Jordans

Tuvok faces off with the Maquis crew members in "Learning Curve"

Tuvok takes Andi, Grace, and guest Claire for a little jog around Voyager to talk about the episode “Learning Curve.” What would better accommodation for struggling crew members look like? What is it with Starfleet’s “fit in or get out”-ism?…

Episode 216: Picard Season 3

Show art from Picard Season 3 with images of the cast

The crew takes a look at the final season of Star Trek: Picard, from the nostalgic to the new – what we liked, what we didn’t, and what we still have questions about. Hosts:  Sue, Jarrah, and Kennedy Editor:  Andi…