Author: The Crew

Episode 202: Cultural Exchange in Trek

Join the crew as they examine how formal cultural exchange is practiced in Star Trek. What have our characters learned after interacting with members of other species? What does that tell us about the benefits of cultural exchange? Hosts:  Andi,…

Episode 201: Labor Standards in Star Trek

Join the crew as they discuss Star Trek’s labor standards. What would Space OSHA look like? What kinds of jobs are available in Starfleet HR? How many of those space miners would have survived had they unionized? Hosts:  Grace, Jarrah,…

Episode 199: The Facts of “Real Life”

Screencap of the family dinner in "Real Life"

We deconstruct The Doctor’s turn at holo-fatherhood in “Real Life,” looking at sitcom tropes, patriarchal family dynamics, and what lessons could’ve been learned from other members of the Voyager crew. Download now (right-click and save)  Hosts: Jarrah, Grace and…

Episode 197: Leave the Phaser, Take the Gagh

The Crew discusses the DS9 episode “Prodigal Daughter” and explores the dynamics of Ezri’s family, especially how the relationship between Ezri and her mother fits in with how motherhood is portrayed overall in Star Trek. Hosts:  Grace, Jarrah, Sue Editor:…