Author: Regina Peters

Regina Peters lives in Montreal, works in the video game industry, and writes book reviews for the website Forever Young Adult. You can find her on Facebook here.

Michael Burnham and Paying it Forward

Michael Burnham at the end of Season 5

Spoiler Alert for Star Trek: Discovery through the end of Season 5. What I love about Star Trek and other long-running shows is the way that, when they’re well written, they slowly develop their characters over time. Michael Burnham’s growth…

Book Review: The Autobiography of Benjamin Sisko

Cover of The Autobiography of Benjamin Sisko by Derek Tyler Attico

“To everyone who is reclaiming their story and speaking their truth,” says the author’s dedication in The Autobiography of Benjamin Sisko, and it’s a strikingly apt one. Several other Star Trek autobiographies show the “author” entrusting their story to a…

T’Pol’s Book Club #4: A Christmas Carol

cover of A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens

Is there any book less likely as a candidate for a Vulcan-run book club than A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens? I can just imagine T’Pol’s unimpressed poker face. She would find his work moralistic, emotionally overwrought, and problematic in…