Category: Blog

Women at Warp blog

Kira Nerys and Women’s Anger

Kira looking angry and exasperated in "Emissary"

Over the last several years, Major Kira Nerys has become one of my very favorite Star Trek characters. She’s smart, outspoken, and deeply committed to the causes and people she cares about. But I wasn’t always her biggest fan. I…

Fetus Trek: Body Parts and Womb Rentals

Phlox examines Trip Tucker

There are certain episodes Trekkies will never forget. An episode that continues to live on in fandom infamy is Enterprise’s “Unexpected,” also known as the time Charles “Trip” Tucker III was impregnated by a female Xyrillian engineer named Ah’len. In…

Sue’s Dragon Con Schedule 2021

I don’t know about you, but it’s been 528 since I’ve attended a convention that wasn’t held entirely on the internet.  But I’m diving back in with Dragon Con, my personal favorite.  With just under two weeks before the opening…

Trek Adjacent: Earth: Final Conflict

During this Centennial celebration, we’ve decided to explore the additional creative worlds of Gene Roddenberry. There are multitudes of similarities found among the different stories, as well as some striking parallels to the Star Trek universe. There are also some…