Category: Blog

Women at Warp blog

T’Pol’s Book Club #4: A Christmas Carol

cover of A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens

Is there any book less likely as a candidate for a Vulcan-run book club than A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens? I can just imagine T’Pol’s unimpressed poker face. She would find his work moralistic, emotionally overwrought, and problematic in…

“The Outcast” is Happening Now

Soren testifies at the J'naii tribunal

Content warning: Transphobia and anti-trans violence “The Outcast” is one of the most debated The Next Generation episodes. An alien society where everyone has no gender takes the title character, Soren, who identifies as a woman, and using some form…

SNW Recap s2e5: “Charades”

Previously on Star Trek: Strange New Worlds – Spock and T’Pring got engaged.  But he’s been struggling to control his emotions, and may be developing feelings for Nurse Chapel.  Chapel, though, had decided to apply to an archeological medicine fellowship…