Category: Blog

Women at Warp blog

Picard Recap: “Broken Pieces” (Season 1, Episode 8)

Seven of nine in season 1 of Picard

“Data’s capacity for expressing and processing emotion was limited.  I suppose we had that in common.” -Jean-Luc Picard Previously on Star Trek Picard:  Soji (Isa Briones) and Picard (Patrick Stewart) arrived on Nepenthe, where they met Kestra Troi Riker (Lulu…

What Do Kindergarteners Do in Space?

Classroom from "When the Bough Breaks" showing the desk and computer setup

Watching Star Trek I often thought about how I would fit in if I was suddenly dropped into the Star Trek Universe. Who would I be friends with? (Dax, Tilly, Spock) What would my job be on board? Lately I’ve…