Category: Blog

Women at Warp blog

Kes: Voyager’s Unsung Adventurer

We all have our favorite Star Trek characters. There are Spock lovers, Riker fan girls, people who love the sassier characters like Bones or Quark, and let’s not forget the internet’s favorite Trek character: facepalming Captain Picard. We love Star…

T’Pol: The Female Mr. Darcy

I cannot forget the night of May 13, 2005.  Like most Enterprise fans, I felt a kick in the gut after finishing “These Are the Voyages.”  It also marked the first time I cried over a fictional death.  I couldn’t…

An Open Letter to Patreon

On December 6, 2017, Patreon sent an email to creators, explaining their new fee structure, which places the burden of the credit card processing fees on the patrons (with a “service fee” of 2.9% + $0.35 per transaction).  Patrons were…

Discovery Fan Theories

While we countdown the number of days until CBS will give us more sweet, sweet Discovery goodness, let’s take a moment to reflect on some of the most burning questions we’re left with after the mid-season finale and discuss two…