Category: Blog

Women at Warp blog

Discovery Recap: Choose Your Pain (Season 1, Episode 5)

“Do you want to be right? Or do you want to fix this?” -Stamets Previously on Star Trek: Discovery: Burnham (Sonequa Martin-Green) officially joined Team Science which made Stamets’ (Anthony Rapp) resting bitch face be fractionally less bitchy, Lorca (Jason Isaacs)…

Bev’s Best Moments – Celebrating #BevCrusherDay

“I don’t understand Doctor Who. Never seen it. All I hear is people asking, ‘Who’s your Doctor?’ Well, you know who my doctor is? Beverly Crusher.“ -Me, World Con 2011 (before watching any Doctor Who) Beverly Cheryl Howard Crusher has been…

Finding Female STEM Mentors in Star Trek

Star Trek has been impacting the lives of fans for over 50 years now as a symbol of exploration, society, technology and more. When we discuss the lack of diversity in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) fields, “representation” and…

Space for Women at the Gaming Table

I have a public confession — I am a Dungeon Mistress, and I love it. I love rolling dice, setting up encounters, watching and listening as players become their characters, laughing and playing with friends. I love Dungeons and Dragons (D&D),…