Category: Blog

Women at Warp blog

Sue’s Dragon Con Schedule 2017

The crew has been asked multiple times if we’ll be at Dragon Con this year.  Unfortunately, the whole crew can’t make it, but I will be there, and I’ll be pretty busy with 17 panels.  So, if you’ll be in…

Who Lives, Who Dies, Who Tells Your Story

Janeway in "Living Witness"

I love the trope of alternate universes. It’s a very comforting concept: another universe, another version of reality, another me living another life. Somewhere I majored in Marine Biology. Somewhere Hillary Clinton is President. Somewhere everything is different, but I’m…

Income Stability: A Bold Way Forward

“In the 24th century there will be no hunger, there will be no greed, and all the children will know how to read.” – Gene Roddenberry I didn’t expect checking my work email to trigger an existential crisis last week,…