Category: Blog

Women at Warp blog

Star Trek Discovery Recaps

Sonequa Martin-Green as Michael Burnham

Hello, First Time Trek here! When Star Trek: Discovery was first announced I had a lot of people asking me if I was planning on live-tweeting it. Which is a valid question considering I Kool-Aid-manned into the Star Trek fandom…

When Jules Took a Stand

In season five of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, the episode “Doctor Bashir, I Presume?” opens with Doctor Bashir getting the opportunity of a lifetime: the newest Emergency Medical Hologram will be modeled off of his appearance and personality. He…

Women Gain Ground in Tabletop Gaming

Tabletop games are hot right now. The hobby gaming market, which includes collectible games (like Magic and Pokemon), miniatures, board games, card and dice games, and roleplaying games, nearly doubled in sales from 2014 to 2016; growing from 800 million…

Flipping the Script on “Lessons”

Do you remember the TNG episode where a bold, independent woman rubs Picard the wrong way, makes an enemy of Riker, forces Crusher to face deeply unrecognized feelings, and enchants the Captain? Or when a disaster on an isolated planet…

Sue’s Dragon Con Schedule 2017

The crew has been asked multiple times if we’ll be at Dragon Con this year.  Unfortunately, the whole crew can’t make it, but I will be there, and I’ll be pretty busy with 17 panels.  So, if you’ll be in…

Who Lives, Who Dies, Who Tells Your Story

Janeway in "Living Witness"

I love the trope of alternate universes. It’s a very comforting concept: another universe, another version of reality, another me living another life. Somewhere I majored in Marine Biology. Somewhere Hillary Clinton is President. Somewhere everything is different, but I’m…