Category: Blog

Women at Warp blog

Will Riker: Unlikely Feminist

When referring to feminism in media, we often focus on how women are represented in film, television and other forms of pop culture. This is certainly important – Star Trek has many excellent women characters that display various feminist traits…

Trek in the Age of Trump

There’s a meme floating around the Internet that I like a lot. It has a picture of a braced-for-impact Captain Picard sitting in his chair on the Enterprise-E’s bridge. Above Picard’s head, words read, “How it feels waking up every…

The Seska Problem: Pregnancy as Manipulation

Seska and her baby

  Let’s face it, Star Trek can have really bad luck with women. Whether it’s being seduced by salt-sucking shapeshifters or being so damned suave that an intergalactic peace offering bonds to you, the moment our illustrious men get rose-colored glasses…

Review: TNG: Mirror Broken #0 and 1

Star Trek: The Next Generation: Mirror Broken, IDW’s latest Star Trek comic miniseries takes on the challenge of bridging the Mirror Universe gap between TOS and DS9. How far did Mirror Spock’s reforms go? How did the Terran Empire fall…

The Introduction of Kes

Kes appears in four seasons, 70 episodes, of Star Trek: Voyager. She wears 19 different outfits. I’ve ranked them. And her opening outfit from “Caretaker” is number 19 – the bottom of the list. Kes is introduced as a hostage.…