Category: Blog

Women at Warp blog

Review: Star Trek: Waypoint #3

Star Trek: Waypoint is an anthology series from IDW, made up of one-shot stories from across the series and movies, celebrating the 50th anniversary of Star Trek. While IDW is no stranger to playing in the media properties sandbox, it’s…

Discovery: Star Trek’s Continuing Mission

Star Trek Discovery logo

I shouldn’t be surprised – ever since the announcement that Star Trek will be returning to TV (or CBS All Access, if you want to be specific) in 2017, I have been asked over and over again…  “What do you…

It’s Not Easy Being a Queer Star Trek Fan

It’s not easy being a queer Star Trek fan. The franchise has been praised for its diverse representation but hasn’t had a recurring on-screen queer character in 50 years – they’ve all been portrayed as cisgendered and heterosexual.* Since Star…

I’m Still Alive

B'Elanna Torres in "Extreme Risk"

B’Elanna Torres snuck up on me. When Voyager began I instantly admired Captain Janeway, related to Kes, and crushed on Tom Paris, and when Seven of Nine was introduced she rapidly became my favorite character in all of Star Trek.…

Introducing the Women at Warp Blog

Jaylah shining a light for Scotty

A little over two years ago, the four of us got together and began a bi-weekly mission to podcast about Star Trek from a feminist perspective. We had no idea how it would grow in such a short period of…