Category: Blog

Women at Warp blog

Irish Stereotyping in Early Star Trek

Kevin Riley singing into his console while under the influence of the polywater disease

Star Trek is well-known for creating positive representation of diverse characters, yet early Trek seems to have an odd prejudice against the Irish, with beloved Irish engineer Miles O’Brien not seeing most of his character development until Deep Space Nine.…

Picard Recap: “No Win Scenario” (S3, E4)

Jack drinks from a highball glass that Picard has poured him at the holodeck version of Guinan's Ten Forward bar on Earth

Previously on Star Trek: Picard: Shaw was injured during an attack on the Shrike, and transferred command to Riker before being escorted to Sickbay. Vadic’s after Jack, not because of a few minor infractions, but likely because he’s Picard’s son……

The Hetero-fication of Garak

Garak in "The Wire"

Star Trek has often been ground breaking, whether that meant having an ethnically diverse cast, promoting peaceful protest, advocating birth control, or discussing many other taboo subjects. Yet one area where Trek noticeably lagged behind for decades was in its…

Picard Recap: “Seventeen Seconds” (S3, E3)

Picard and Beverly Crusher talk in sickbay

Previously on Star Trek: Picard: Starfleet Intelligence terminated Raffi’s investigation, so she struck out on her own and her handler, Worf, had to rescue her from a murderous Ferengi. Shaw relieved Seven for helping Picard and Riker get the Titan…

Picard Recap: “Disengage” (S3, E2)

Shaw comes to talk to Seven, who is in a holding cell on the Titan

Previously on Star Trek: Picard: Beverly Crusher’s ship was attached by unknown assailants. Out of options, she sent an encoded message to Picard asking for help. Picard enlisted Riker, and together, they made their way to her coordinates with the…

Star Trek’s Blandest Love Interests


Star Trek  often suffers when adding romantic plotlines, sometimes resulting in a rotating line up of “Love Interest of the Week” or “Villain Seducing Lead” if not pairing off characters who do not compliment each other. Then there are the…