Category: Episodes

Episode 112: “Cogenitor”

In “Cogenitor” the Enterprise NX-01 crew encounters a species that requires a “third gender” to procreate. We discuss our impressions of this episode as an allegory for trans issues and to what extent it holds up today. Content note: Discussion…

Episode 108: Deanna Troi – Goddess of Empathy

Michele Specht of Star Trek Continues joins the crew to discuss the inimitable Deanna Troi. We talk through her iconic looks, steamy romances, broken creep-meter, and the themes her character and episodes evoked around femininity and strength. Download Now (right-click…

Episode 107: You May Now Give Birth

Kes, Paris and their baby after Kes gives birth

Special guest Anne Theriault joins us to talk about depictions of pregnancy and childbirth in Star Trek, covering both of Keiko’s pregnancies, Kes’ labour during time travel, Trip’s alien pregnancy, Ekora from “The Quickening”, “Friday’s Child” and more. Download Now…

Episode S15: Gabbing with Gersha Phillips

Gersha Phillips joins Grace and Jarrah to discuss her work as Star Trek Discovery’s Costume Designer. They talk about updating classic sci-fi looks, a new take on the mirror universe, designing gender neutral costumes, unexpected challenges on set, cosplay, and…