Category: Episodes

Episode 237: P’Jem-a Party

We’re joined by Jamie from the Enterprisesplaining podcast to talk about “The Andorian Incident,” from the theme of cultural tourism to the treatment of T’Pol and the delightful Shran-ness of it all. Hosts: Jarrah and Aliza Guest: Jamie, @uajamie, host…

Episode 236: Native Perspectives on the Maquis

Listener Etawi and Writer/Cartoonist Alina Pete join Grace to discuss the Maquis from a Native perspective, what better representation could look like in Trek, and what exactly they think of Chakotay. Host: Grace Guests: Etawi Alina Pete Editor: Sue Download…

Episode 235: Dr. Una McCormack Interview

Jarrah and Sue sit down with Dr. Una McCormack, author of many Star Trek novels based on several of the shows. We talk Cardassians (of course), the potential outlook of an average Federation citizen, recommended reading – plus a little…

Episode 233: Neurotransmitters of Doom

It’s yet another episode where a creepy guy preys on Troi. But as we discuss, TNG’s “Man of the People” is also a surprisingly good jumping off point for discussion of more feminist themes, like emotional labor and aging women’s…