Category: Episodes

Episode S31: Allison Cimino, RockLove Jewelry

Allison Cimino headshot

Allison Cimino – CEO, Founder, and Designer of RockLove Jewelry – joins us to talk about her journey from fan to licensee, and many of the pieces she’s created for Star Trek fans and productions, including the new Crystal Delta…

Episode 205: Lower Decks: Season 3

Join Kennedy and Andi as they unpack all of the hilarious shenanigans that happened on the Cerritos in Lower Decks, Season 3, including our Lower Deckers learning how to trust themselves while always remaining wary of Peanut Hamper. Hosts:  Kennedy…

Episode 203: Aspec and Trek

At the end of Ace Week, guest Anna Kelly of Lambda Quadrant joins us to talk about asexual and aromantic spectrum identities and experiences, how they’re reflected in media (or not), and the Star Trek characters often interpreted as aspec.…

Episode 202: Cultural Exchange in Trek

Join the crew as they examine how formal cultural exchange is practiced in Star Trek. What have our characters learned after interacting with members of other species? What does that tell us about the benefits of cultural exchange? Hosts:  Andi,…

Episode 201: Labor Standards in Star Trek

Join the crew as they discuss Star Trek’s labor standards. What would Space OSHA look like? What kinds of jobs are available in Starfleet HR? How many of those space miners would have survived had they unionized? Hosts:  Grace, Jarrah,…