Episode 149: Beverly Crushin’ It

Nick and Jenny join us for an in-depth look at Dr. Beverly Crusher (Gates McFadden), from the genesis of the character to directing “Genesis.” We discuss Crusher’s role as the moral center of the crew, her position as a leader and mentor, the care she gives her patients, and the gender politics on both the Enterprise and the Paramount lot. (Content note: transphobia)


Nick Manchester – @Native_Orchid
Jenny Beck-Esmay, MD – @jbeckesmay

Editor: Andi

Transcription: Grace

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Further Reading

  2 comments for “Episode 149: Beverly Crushin’ It

  1. I loved this episode! On character episodes, WAW always shares the cringeworthy casting calls before diving into the character. I often think how I would re-write those casting calls, knowing those characters and from my own experience. I would love to hear how the Crew would re-write the casting calls, if they could, to be a better fit for those character’s traits and to be more inclusive and less offensive.

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