Episode 77: Je m’appelle Hoshi Sato

Hoshi Sato

An accomplished linguist and communicator, Hoshi Sato played a key role on the Enterprise (and in the Mirror Universe). But there were also missed opportunities with her character. Join us for a discussion of her most memorable moments.

Hosts:  Sue, Jarrah, Grace

Editor:  Jarrah

Transcription: Morag Anne Baillie, @whatsnextshonda

Download Transcript: PDF or Word

Notes and References:
  • The Fifty-Year Mission: The Fifty-Year Mission: The Next 25 Years: From The Next Generation to J. J. Abrams: The Complete, Uncensored, and Unauthorized Oral History of Star Trek by Edward Gross & Mark A. Altman (2017).
  • Gender and Sexuality in Star Trek: Allegories of Desire in the Television Series and Films by David Greven (2009).
  • StarTrek.com interview with Linda Park
  • TrekBBS “Ultimate HOSHI SATO appreciation thread”

  2 comments for “Episode 77: Je m’appelle Hoshi Sato

  1. The Enterprise book “Rosetta” is based around Hoshi and is actually pretty good. It goes into some of the theory around the development of the UT and some of the problems that arise. It is actually based on real linguistic theory. I am a huge Hoshi fan because I speak three languages and did my college thesis on translation, and seeing them use the actual science/art of translation in this book was amazing.

  2. Hoshi was definitely an under developed character, but I think the same could be said for most of the characters on Enterprise

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