Tag: B’Elanna Torres

Episode 86: B’Elanna Torres – B’Lovin’ it!

Anika Dane joins us to discuss everyone’s favorite half-Klingon engineer: B’Elanna Torres. We discuss our first impressions, her journey throughout Voyager’s seven seasons, and some of her key episodes including “Faces,” “Blood Fever,” and “Extreme Risk.” Download Now (right-click and save)…

Finding Female STEM Mentors in Star Trek

Star Trek has been impacting the lives of fans for over 50 years now as a symbol of exploration, society, technology and more. When we discuss the lack of diversity in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) fields, “representation” and…

Who Lives, Who Dies, Who Tells Your Story

Janeway in "Living Witness"

I love the trope of alternate universes. It’s a very comforting concept: another universe, another version of reality, another me living another life. Somewhere I majored in Marine Biology. Somewhere Hillary Clinton is President. Somewhere everything is different, but I’m…

Episode 59: Sexual Agency in Star Trek

Lauren from "Statistical Probabilities" lounging on a bed

How much are women in Star Trek able to make choices and act freely when it comes to sex? Our crew discusses this question and considers Trek’s best and worst portrayals of women’s sexuality. Content Note: Includes discussion of mature themes. Hosts: Jarrah,…

The Thaw’s Fatal Flaw

  You probably remember it as “the clown episode.” Set near the end of Voyager’s second season, “The Thaw” features a classic Delta Quadrant scenario: Janeway & Co. stumble upon people in need, try to help them, and end up…

Episode 51: Set a Course for Home

Voyager introduced us to the Delta Quadrant, several new alien species, and of course Star Trek’s first woman captain to lead a show. The crew is joined by Charlynn Schmiedt to discuss the stories, characters, and themes in Season 1.…

I’m Still Alive

B'Elanna Torres in "Extreme Risk"

B’Elanna Torres snuck up on me. When Voyager began I instantly admired Captain Janeway, related to Kes, and crushed on Tom Paris, and when Seven of Nine was introduced she rapidly became my favorite character in all of Star Trek.…