The one and only Gates McFadden stops by to chat about her new podcast, her passion for teaching, taking risks, working with the Jim Henson Company, and a life-changing performance at the Delacorte Theater. Plus, a little bit of Star…
Nick and Jenny join us for an in-depth look at Dr. Beverly Crusher (Gates McFadden), from the genesis of the character to directing “Genesis.” We discuss Crusher’s role as the moral center of the crew, her position as a leader…
Recorded live at Respect: Women’s Podcast Festival in Philadelphia, PA and inspired by the “Warrior Women” panel from STLV, Kennedy, Anika, and Sue discuss what it means for a character to be “strong” in the Star Trek Universe, and the…
To celebrate their 20th Anniversary, IDW Publishing is releasing special one-shot stories across multiple properties, set either 20 years in their future or 20 years in their past. As Editor-in-Chief John Barber explained, “An anniversary like the one IDW is…
Continued coverage from STLV! We share interviews from the show floor with the ladies of TNG: Marina Sirtis, Gates McFadden, and Denise Crosby; PLUS the audio from the Women in Trek panel featuring Marina and Mary Chieffo of Star Trek:…
Our crew takes a look at the 5th Season TNG episode “Disaster.” We discuss Troi’s turn in the big chair, Worf’s skills as a field medic, the unusual pairing of Crusher and LaForge, Data’s disembodied head, Picard’s choice of children’s…
Our crew discusses the TNG novel Rogue Saucer by John Vornholt, including how vital good code names are, the ethics of kneecapping, and the importance of hot beverages after trauma. Hosts: Andi, Sue, Jarrah Editor: Andi Transcription: Andi Download Transcript: PDF or…
“I don’t understand Doctor Who. Never seen it. All I hear is people asking, ‘Who’s your Doctor?’ Well, you know who my doctor is? Beverly Crusher.“ -Me, World Con 2011 (before watching any Doctor Who) Beverly Cheryl Howard Crusher has been…