Tag: blood fever

Episode 86: B’Elanna Torres – B’Lovin’ it!

Anika Dane joins us to discuss everyone’s favorite half-Klingon engineer: B’Elanna Torres. We discuss our first impressions, her journey throughout Voyager’s seven seasons, and some of her key episodes including “Faces,” “Blood Fever,” and “Extreme Risk.” Hosts:  Grace, Jarrah and Sue…

Top 10 Sexiest Star Trek Moments

Dax on top of Worf after fighting in "Looking for Par'Mach in All the Wrong Places"

Anybody can give you a list of Star Trek’s sexiest moments with the greats like Kirk and Uhura’s kiss, but I’ve never been much of a Kirk fan. The things I looked for when selecting this list were as follows:…

Episode 59: Sexual Agency in Star Trek

Lauren from "Statistical Probabilities" lounging on a bed

How much are women in Star Trek able to make choices and act freely when it comes to sex? Our crew discusses this question and considers Trek’s best and worst portrayals of women’s sexuality. Content Note: Includes discussion of mature themes. Hosts: Jarrah,…