Tag: colonialism

Episode 229: Anglo-American Empire in Star Trek

We’re joined by Dr. Fiona Davidson to talk about how the United Federation of Planets embodies the supposedly universal morality of Anglo-American empire, how this has manifested across the franchise, and where there’s been challenges to that worldview. Hosts:  Jarrah…

Western Bias in Holodeck Adventures

The western town in "A Fistful of Datas"

The holodeck often provides great chances for the characters to explore their inner fantasies and the writers to explore the characters’ lives outside of their jobs, yet there is something very striking about the early holodeck episodes—how very Caucasian the…

Episode 54: Indigenous Representation in Star Trek

An amazing group of guests, including Molly Swain and Chelsea Vowel (Métis In Space), professor and author Sierra Adare-Tasiwoopa Api, and David Holquinn (Trekradio) join us to talk about Indigenous representation in Trek, from “The Paradise Syndrome” to Chakotay. Host: Jarrah Guests: Sierra Adare-Tasiwoopa…

Episode 6: Oh Captain, My Captain (Kirk)

Women at Warp welcomes our very first guest, Kayla Iacovino of TrekMovie.com, to discuss the original intergalactic ladies’ man, Captain Kirk, and his one-shot love interests. Edith Keeler, Rayna, Miramanee, Marlena Moreau, Janice Lester and JJ-verse Carol Marcus all get the…