Tag: Deanna Troi

A Future Free From Slut-Shaming

In Trek’s bold future, women work on the bridges of starships; lead resistance cells; are engineers, botanists, doctors, mental health professionals, captains, admirals; and so much more. Though beyond the autonomy afforded these great professional accomplishments, do Trek women have…

Episode 108: Deanna Troi – Goddess of Empathy

Michele Specht of Star Trek Continues joins the crew to discuss the inimitable Deanna Troi. We talk through her iconic looks, steamy romances, broken creep-meter, and the themes her character and episodes evoked around femininity and strength. Download Now (right-click…

Deanna Troi and the Dialectic of Femininity

Empathy is power. This is what Deanna Troi, counselor of the USS Enterprise, teaches us. Unfortunately, since we are still living pre-Fully Automated Luxury Gay Space Communism, this message is lost on the hordes of misogynistic Star Trek fans who…

Episode 85: Using Trek to Teach Empathy

Troi as Goddess of Empathy

Our crew discusses Star Trek episodes like “Devil in the Dark”, “Duet” and “I, Borg” that challenge the show’s characters – and viewers – to learn empathy. Download Now (right-click and save)  Hosts: Grace, Jarrah and Sue Editor: Jarrah Transcription:…

Episode 82: Prepare for “Disaster”

Our crew takes a look at the 5th Season TNG episode “Disaster.” We discuss Troi’s turn in the big chair, Worf’s skills as a field medic, the unusual pairing of Crusher and LaForge, Data’s disembodied head, Picard’s choice of children’s…

Episode 75: Book Club: Rogue Saucer

Our crew discusses the TNG novel Rogue Saucer by John Vornholt, including how vital good code names are, the ethics of kneecapping, and the importance of hot beverages after trauma. Download Now (right-click and save)  Hosts:  Andi, Sue, Jarrah Editor:  Andi…