Each Star Trek show holds a special meaning for many of us, but no one can ignore that Deep Space Nine, at its core, is a show about politics. Politics in space. Politics that involve shapeshifters and Tribbles. The events…
It was late last year. I was re-watching one of my favourite TV shows, curled up on the couch, coping with uncomfortable hormonal issues and just generally wanting some escapism. Then a certain episode involving my favourite character came on,…
Out of all the episodes of live-action Star Trek, only 35 have been directed by women (8 in TNG, 7 in DS9, 10 in VOY and 10 in ENT – graphs here!). The six women who have directed for Trek…
Keiko Ishikawa O’Brien has something of a reputation among Trek fans. Ask a random sample of about 100 viewers (which I did), and you’ll probably find that, of those who are avid TNG and DS9 fans, about two-thirds (64% in my…
In “Rejoined,” Jadzia Dax challenges a Trill taboo by “reassociating” with a former host’s love. Special guest Lisa of The Prolific Trek joins us to discuss Trill society of the future, and the allegory to how humans treat same-sex relationships today.…
In the DS9 two-parter “Past Tense,” Sisko, Bashir and Dax travel to the year 2024, a dark time in our near future. Treknews.net blogger Michelle Toven joins us to discuss the episodes’ socio-political themes, which include homelessness, mental health, race, class, violence,…
Four fans from different backgrounds discuss their personal relationship to Star Trek’s depictions of religion, including Christian themes in TOS, Picard’s skepticism, Kira’s spirituality, and Vulcan ritual. Hosts: Sue, Andi and Grace Guest: Rumman Editor: Jarrah Download Transcript: PDF or…
Writer Dorothy C. Fontana was the most influential woman behind the scenes on Star Trek: The Original Series, and perhaps in all of Star Trek. We talk about her start in Hollywood, her approach to writing and her significant episodes from TOS,…