Tag: edith keeler

Episode 184: Dopey Utopian Bullsh!t

Edith Keeler and James Kirk look at the stars in "City on the Edge of Forever"

We discuss “The City on the Edge of Forever,” including the controversial script changes, the real-life inspiration for Edith Keeler, and why the episode is so loved…even if Harlan Ellison thought Roddenberry’s changes were “dopey utopian bullshit.” Hosts: Jarrah, Andi,…

Andi and Jarrah Talk TOS Women

the three women from Mudd's Women

Before we even thought of starting our own podcast, the four of us Women at Warp hosts connected through Grace’s former podcast, All Things Trek. After Jarrah heard Andi being interviewed on the show, they connected to co-write a piece…

Episode 6: Oh Captain, My Captain (Kirk)

Women at Warp welcomes our very first guest, Kayla Iacovino of TrekMovie.com, to discuss the original intergalactic ladies’ man, Captain Kirk, and his one-shot love interests. Edith Keeler, Rayna, Miramanee, Marlena Moreau, Janice Lester and JJ-verse Carol Marcus all get the…