Tag: i borg

Episode 127: What I Like About Hugh

In the lead-up to Star Trek: Picard, our crew takes a look back at the TNG episode “I, Borg” and the introduction of Hugh. We discuss how the Enterprise-D crew can influence each other, overcoming preconceived conclusions, and Hugh’s return…

Episode 85: Using Trek to Teach Empathy

Troi as Goddess of Empathy

Our crew discusses Star Trek episodes like “Devil in the Dark”, “Duet” and “I, Borg” that challenge the show’s characters – and viewers – to learn empathy. Hosts: Grace, Jarrah and Sue Editor: Jarrah Transcription: Lydia – @moon_babes_, facebook.com/moonbabesart Download Transcript: PDF or…

Crusher’s Critical Perspective

Crusher listening to Picard in "The Perfect Mate"

For rules to stay relevant – even pillars such as the Prime Directive – they must regularly be challenged and re-evaluated. Many of us love Star Trek for the moral ambiguity, the conundrums with no clearly right answer, and the…