Tag: James T. Kirk

Episode 213: Nasty Brains and AquaNet

Kirk, Chekov and Uhura in "The Gamesters of Triskelion"

Three podcast thralls have been selected to look back on “The Gamesters of Triskelion” – an iconic TOS episode with a lot of problematic elements when analyzed with a modern lens. We discuss the episode, how interpretations change over time,…

SNW Recap s1e10: “A Quality of Mercy”

“If you’re saying you’re more willing to take risks than I am, I don’t disagree.  And let me remind you that you’re saying that on my ship after yours has been destroyed.” -Christopher Pike Previously on Star Trek: Strange New…

Episode S9: Paley’s Captains Panel

On September 17, Sue represented Captain Kathryn Janeway on the Captains Panel at  The Paley Center for Media’s “Transported: Paley Center Salutes 50 Years of Star Trek.” From the event website: “Was James T. Kirk really the greatest Star Trek…

Episode 34: Janice Rand and the Beehive of Power

Janice Rand

What the heck is a “yeoman” anyway? After a brief history and etymology lesson, the crew turns the spotlight to everyone’s favorite Yeoman – Janice Rand (Grace Lee Whitney).  From Roddenberry’s initial conception of the character to her no-so-subtle feelings…