Tag: Jean-Luc Picard

Episode 101: “The Inner Light”

The crew takes a deep dive into one of TNG’s most loved episodes, “The Inner Light.” We discuss several themes and issues raised by narrative, including trauma, consent, gaslighting, self-discovery, family, and “the theater of the mind.” Hosts:  Andi, Grace,…

Episode 91: RPN Takes Vegas! (STLV 2018)

On the first of three episodes covering Star Trek Las Vegas 2018, we share the audio from the Roddenberry Podcast Network panel on fandom, plus a chat among the network hosts all about the return of Jean-Luc Picard. Hosts:  Sue…

Episode 82: Prepare for “Disaster”

Our crew takes a look at the 5th Season TNG episode “Disaster.” We discuss Troi’s turn in the big chair, Worf’s skills as a field medic, the unusual pairing of Crusher and LaForge, Data’s disembodied head, Picard’s choice of children’s…

Flipping the Script on “Lessons”

Do you remember the TNG episode where a bold, independent woman rubs Picard the wrong way, makes an enemy of Riker, forces Crusher to face deeply unrecognized feelings, and enchants the Captain? Or when a disaster on an isolated planet…

Episode S9: Paley’s Captains Panel

On September 17, Sue represented Captain Kathryn Janeway on the Captains Panel at  The Paley Center for Media’s “Transported: Paley Center Salutes 50 Years of Star Trek.” From the event website: “Was James T. Kirk really the greatest Star Trek…

Episode 35: Best Male Allies

Which male characters in Star Trek do the best job working for equality and standing up against injustice? Forbes Associate Science Editor Alex Knapp joins us to talk about the meaning of allyship and the characters in the franchise who…