While we countdown the number of days until CBS will give us more sweet, sweet Discovery goodness, let’s take a moment to reflect on some of the most burning questions we’re left with after the mid-season finale and discuss two…
“You get to live your life, the way you deserve to. Not at war, but at peace.” -Burnham “I found peace. Right here.” -Tyler Previously on Star Trek: Discovery: Burnham (Sonequa Martin-Green) and Tyler (Shazad Latif) tried to have a romantic space camping getaway until Saru…
“I would give anything for a second, a millisecond, of peace but until the war is over, none of us can have it.” -Burnham Previously on Star Trek: Discovery: Mudd (Rainn Wilson) came back to get repeated and gruesome revenge on Lorca (Jason Isaacs) and Tyler (Shazad…
“Rules are for admirals and back offices. I’m out there trying to win a war.” -Lorca Previously on Star Trek: Discovery: Burnham (Sonequa Martin-Green) fought Saru (Doug Jones) and won, with the stakes being nothing less than their friendship, the life…