Episode 67: A Very Special Gay Episode

We’re joined by Ami Angelwings from Escher Girls to talk about the TNG episode “The Outcast” and its portrayal of LGBTQIAP+ issues. Hosts: Andi, Grace, Sue Guest: Ami Angelwings (@ami_angelwings) Editor: Andi Transcription: Susan Download Transcript: PDF or Word

When I transitioned, I looked to Dax

It was late last year. I was re-watching one of my favourite TV shows, curled up on the couch, coping with uncomfortable hormonal issues and just generally wanting some escapism. Then a certain episode involving my favourite character came on,…

Asexuality in Star Trek

the Enterprise orbiting a planet

Apparently, everyone in the universe is sexual. At least, this is what Star Trek seems to tell us, since almost every person, race, android, and hologram we see throughout Star Trek is either inherently sexual or is marginalized for not…

It’s Not Easy Being a Queer Star Trek Fan

It’s not easy being a queer Star Trek fan. The franchise has been praised for its diverse representation but hasn’t had a recurring on-screen queer character in 50 years – they’ve all been portrayed as cisgendered and heterosexual.* Since Star…

Episode 41: “Rejoined”

Jadzia Dax and Lenara Kahn kiss

In “Rejoined,” Jadzia Dax challenges a Trill taboo by “reassociating” with a former host’s love. Special guest Lisa of The Prolific Trek joins us to discuss Trill society of the future, and the allegory to how humans treat same-sex relationships today.…