Tag: marina sirtis

Episode 186: “Dark Page”

Deanna and Lwaxana in "Dark Page"

We’re joined by Azucena for an in-depth look at the 7th Season TNG episode, “Dark Page.” We discuss production notes, the themes of the episode, and the depth of character added to Lwaxana Troi. Content Note: In depth discussions of…

Episode 108: Deanna Troi, Goddess of Empathy

Michele Specht of Star Trek Continues joins the crew to discuss the inimitable Deanna Troi. We talk through her iconic looks, steamy romances, broken creep-meter, and the themes her character and episodes evoked around femininity and strength. Hosts: Jarrah, Andi…

Episode 2: Women on TNG

  This episode, Andi, Jarrah and Sue tackle the overall representations of women in Star Trek: The Next Generation. Hosts: Andi, Jarrah and Sue Editor: Jarrah Transcript: Rhys – @lizardinexile Download Transcript: PDF or Word Notes and References: Bechdel Test results for…