Tag: Nyota Uhura

Episode 81: Shades of Gray-t Podcast Moments

It’s our three-year Podiversary! To celebrate, we took a look back over the last 80 episodes (plus 13 supplemental episodes), and chose some of our favorite parts to share again today. Hosts:  Andi, Grace, Jarrah, and Sue – with various guests…

Episode 39: Jaylah for President

Our crew reviews the newest Star Trek movie, Star Trek Beyond. There’s lots to talk about: a classic Star Trek message, also a brand new villain, a more diverse cast and a new, exciting woman character in Jaylah. Hosts: Jarrah, Andi and Sue Editor: Andi

Episode S6: Mission Montreal

Nichelle Nichols

Montreal Comiccon celebrated Star Trek’s 50th anniversary with on-stage appearances by Kate Mulgrew, Nichelle Nichols, William Shatner and Brent Spiner. We bring you the highlights, including Mulgrew’s thoughts on Janeway’s significance, her upcoming book, and what she’d like to see…

Episode 28: Her name means Freedom


Uhura was a groundbreaking character for 1960s TV and remains a role model and cultural icon to this day. Angélique Roché of Black Girl Nerds joins us to discuss our favorite Uhura moments from TOS. Hosts: Andi, Jarrah and Grace Guest: Angélique Roché, contributor…

Episode 23: Star Trek Through the JJ-verse

Did J.J. Abrams’ two Star Trek movies capture the spirit of Star Trek? Improve roles for women? Our crew discusses these and more questions about the JJ-verse, and talks about the first trailer for Star Trek Beyond. Hosts: Jarrah, Sue and…