Two women of color, two hundred years from now, walking across the surface of another planet: when the first trailer for Star Trek: Discovery aired, it painted an image of a future. That image inspired furious online hate, salaciously quoted…
I’ll say this for Dayton Ward: he knows the hell out of Star Trek. I say this not only to state the obvious but to say how appreciated it is in his book Kirk Fu Manual, A Guide to Starfleet’s…
The TOS episode “Mirror, Mirror” cemented the idea of an alternate, “evil” universe in the public imagination, and the plot became a recurring theme, in both DS9 and Enterprise. Looking at the ways in which costume designers William Theiss and…
Women at Warp welcomes our very first guest, Kayla Iacovino of, to discuss the original intergalactic ladies’ man, Captain Kirk, and his one-shot love interests. Edith Keeler, Rayna, Miramanee, Marlena Moreau, Janice Lester and JJ-verse Carol Marcus all get the…
The whole crew takes a look at one of Star Trek: The Original Series’ worst episodes for women: “Wolf in the Fold.” Hosts: Andi, Sue, Grace & Jarrah Editor: Jarrah Transcription: Lydia – @moon_babes_, Download Transcript: PDF or Word Theme Music: Sounds…