Tag: racism

Episode 212: Detective Crusher

Crusher scans Reyga's body with a tricorder

Our crew takes a close look at the Season 6 TNG episode “Suspicions.” We talk about the guest characters and how they break with Trek racial stereotypes, and look at how Beverly Crusher sciences, solves crime, and kicks butt. Content…

Michael’s Burden

Michael stands in the red angel suit after landing at the beginning of Disco Season 3

Spoiler Warning: This post contains spoilers for Star Trek: Discovery Season 3 In the finale of the third season, we watched Michael Burnham become captain of the USS Discovery. Those who’ve watched from the beginning know that Burnham has endured…

Education on the Enterprise in “New Ground”

Worf walks Alexander down the hall in "New Ground"

Looking back at TNG’s 5th season episode “New Ground,” most would probably remark that it was – aside from establishing Worf’s son, Alexander, as a recurring character and featuring the return of the fantastic Georgia Brown as Helena Rozhenko –…