Tag: Seven of Nine

Picard Recap: “The Last Generation” (S3, E10)

Riker, Picard and Worf on the bridge of the Enterprise-G

Previously on Star Trek Picard: The Borg passed genetic material to Jack through Locutus/Picard, and teamed up with the Changelings to put that genetic sequence into everyone in Starfleet via the transporter systems. Jack went off to find the Borg…

Picard Recap: “Võx” (S3, E9)

Jack and Troi stand in the Titan corridor as envisioned in Jack's mind

Previously on Star Trek Picard: Our heroes on the Titan were finally able to destroy Vadic and the Shrike, and gather, once more, around a conference table. Jack’s had been having visions, which Beverly diagnosed as Irumodic Syndrome, inherited from…

Picard Recap: “Surrender” (S3, E8)

Seven exchanges a look with Shaw while they are held hostage on the bridge

Previously on Star Trek Picard: Riker was captured by Vadic at Daystrom Station, and discovered that she’s also holding Deanna. The personalities of Data and Lore were battling for control of the Soong golem, and dropping the partition between them…

Picard Recap: “Dominion” (S3, E7)

Vadic and three henchmen board the Titan

Previously on Star Trek Picard: Changelings have infiltrated Starfleet, and our team on the Titan suspects that they’re going to attack the Federation on Frontier Day. In an attempt to figure out their plan, Worf, Riker, and Raffi broke in…

Picard Recap: “The Bounty” (S3, E6)

Geordi and Alandra La Forge looking at a console

Previously on Star Trek: Picard: A floating head ordered Vadic to “deliver the asset,” aka Jack Crusher, at all costs. Jack’s been having visions of the Upside Down, and single-handedly took down 4 crewman who fortunately turned out to be…