Tag: sexual assault

“Threshold” and Consent

Space salamanders in "Threshold"

“Threshold” from Voyager manages to be simultaneously famous and infamous. Famous for the body horror make-up, including Tom Paris’ tongue falling out of his mouth, and infamous for the transformation of Paris and Janeway into ‘space salamanders’ who then have…

Episode 104: “Retrospect”

Seven in a flashback in "Retrospect"

Tackling one of our most-requested topics, our crew discusses the Star Trek: Voyager episode “Retrospect,” in which Seven of Nine believes she was “violated” by an alien arms dealer. We cover the 1990s cultural context of the episode as well…

Episode 72: Sexual Assault in Star Trek

We’re joined by Lucia to tackle a really tough topic – sexual assault against women and its depiction on Star Trek: TOS and TNG. [TW/CW for sexual assault]. Hosts:  Jarrah, Andi Guest: Dr. Lucia Lorenzi Editor:  Andi Transcription: Emma Rountree Download Transcript: PDF…

The Seska Problem: Pregnancy as Manipulation

Seska and her baby

  Let’s face it, Star Trek can have really bad luck with women. Whether it’s being seduced by salt-sucking shapeshifters or being so damned suave that an intergalactic peace offering bonds to you, the moment our illustrious men get rose-colored glasses…

Episode 59: Sexual Agency in Star Trek

Lauren from "Statistical Probabilities" lounging on a bed

How much are women in Star Trek able to make choices and act freely when it comes to sex? Our crew discusses this question and considers Trek’s best and worst portrayals of women’s sexuality. Content Note: Includes discussion of mature themes. Hosts: Jarrah,…

Episode 50: “The Child”

Deanna and Ian Andrew

We take an in-depth look at the Next Gen episode “The Child,” in which Troi is impregnated by an alien being. Hosts: Andi, Jarrah, Grace, Sue Editor: Andi Transcription: Rebecca – @carolinalady Download transcript: PDF or Word Notes and References: TV Tropes article…

Episode 43: Book Club: Born With Teeth by Kate Mulgrew

Cover art for Episode 43

Our crew shares personal reactions to Kate Mulgrew’s memoir Born With Teeth, a book that includes the actress’ intimate thoughts on motherhood, adoption, and sexual assault. With guest Amy Imhoff of Shoes and Starships. Hosts: Sue, Andi and Grace Guests: Amy Imhoff…

Episode 32: “Past Tense”

Sisko as Gabriel Bell

In the DS9 two-parter “Past Tense,” Sisko, Bashir and Dax travel to the year 2024, a dark time in our near future. Treknews.net blogger Michelle Toven joins us to discuss the episodes’ socio-political themes, which include homelessness, mental health, race, class, violence,…