Tag: The Next Generation

Episode 149: Beverly Crushin’ It

Nick and Jenny join us for an in-depth look at Dr. Beverly Crusher (Gates McFadden), from the genesis of the character to directing “Genesis.” We discuss Crusher’s role as the moral center of the crew, her position as a leader…

Episode 145: Women at Warp: The Next Generation

Women at Warp is excited to announce the addition of three new hosts to the regular crew rotation: Kennedy Allen, Sarah Gulde, and Aliza Pearl. These “Next Generation” hosts introduce themselves and talk about their favorite women characters. Download Now…

Episode 101: “The Inner Light”

The crew takes a deep dive into one of TNG’s most loved episodes, “The Inner Light.” We discuss several themes and issues raised by narrative, including trauma, consent, gaslighting, self-discovery, family, and “the theater of the mind.” Hosts:  Andi, Grace,…