When season 2 of The Next Generation premiered, the audience was introduced to one of Trek’s most divisive characters – Doctor Katherine Pulaski. Taking over for Doctor Beverly Crusher as the CMO on the Enterprise, Pulaski was criticized from the…
We’re joined by Azucena for an in-depth look at the 7th Season TNG episode, “Dark Page.” We discuss production notes, the themes of the episode, and the depth of character added to Lwaxana Troi. Content Note: In depth discussions of…
Blue joins us for a deep dive on TNG’s “The Offspring,” including a look at how the episode evolved from the initial pitch, and queer, trans and neurodivergent readings of the story. This episode is brought to you by Text…
The one and only Gates McFadden stops by to chat about her new podcast, her passion for teaching, taking risks, working with the Jim Henson Company, and a life-changing performance at the Delacorte Theater. Plus, a little bit of Star…
Back in 2015, the crew discussed everyone’s favorite rabble-rouser, Ro Laren. As one of The Next Generation’s most celebrated characters, Ensign Ro (Michelle Forbes) left an impression on fans that resonates today. But to explore Ro’s impact, one must also…
Aliza and Kennedy chat about Guinan’s role and impact, as well as their favorite moments of the iconic Next Generation character. TL;DR – Listen to Black women. Hosts: Aliza and Kennedy Editor: Andi Transcription: Grace Download Transcript: PDF or Word…
Someday (God willing) I hope to explain to future generations the full scope of how the manga market blew the minds of western comics producers, and how quickly they tried to cash in on those sweet nerd bucks with only…
Nick and Jenny join us for an in-depth look at Dr. Beverly Crusher (Gates McFadden), from the genesis of the character to directing “Genesis.” We discuss Crusher’s role as the moral center of the crew, her position as a leader…