Tag: TNG

Episode 142: Well, Here We Yar

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Raised on an lawless colony world, Tasha Yar dedicated her too-short life to order and justice. This week we discuss Tasha’s origins and plumb the depths of her most memorable moments, from “The Naked Now” to “Yesterday’s Enterprise.” Host: Jarrah…

Episode 138: Unpopular Star Trek Opinions

Is Data over-used? Is the Prime Directive an excuse to turn a blind eye to inconvenient problems? Is “The Wrath of Khan” overrated? Should Tuvix have returned to the Alpha Quadrant with Voyager? The crew discusses some “unpopular” Star Trek…

What Do Kindergarteners Do in Space?

Classroom from "When the Bough Breaks" showing the desk and computer setup

Watching Star Trek I often thought about how I would fit in if I was suddenly dropped into the Star Trek Universe. Who would I be friends with? (Dax, Tilly, Spock) What would my job be on board? Lately I’ve…

A Future Free From Slut-Shaming

In Trek’s bold future, women work on the bridges of starships; lead resistance cells; are engineers, botanists, doctors, mental health professionals, captains, admirals; and so much more. Though beyond the autonomy afforded these great professional accomplishments, do Trek women have…