Tag: TNG

Episode 108: Deanna Troi – Goddess of Empathy

Michele Specht of Star Trek Continues joins the crew to discuss the inimitable Deanna Troi. We talk through her iconic looks, steamy romances, broken creep-meter, and the themes her character and episodes evoked around femininity and strength. Download Now (right-click…

Deanna Troi and the Dialectic of Femininity

Empathy is power. This is what Deanna Troi, counselor of the USS Enterprise, teaches us. Unfortunately, since we are still living pre-Fully Automated Luxury Gay Space Communism, this message is lost on the hordes of misogynistic Star Trek fans who…

Uneven Threads: A Reflection on “Tapestry”

During discussions of favourite episodes of Star Trek: The Next Generation, often cited is the season 6 episode “Tapestry”. In the episode Jean-Luc Picard, our introspective and bookish captain, dies. A diplomatic mission goes awry and Picard is the victim…

Comic Review: Star Trek IDW 20/20

To celebrate their 20th Anniversary, IDW Publishing is releasing special one-shot stories across multiple properties, set either 20 years in their future or 20 years in their past. As Editor-in-Chief John Barber explained, “An anniversary like the one IDW is…

Episode 102: Minor Characters, Major Impact

We share some of our (and your) favorite minor characters from across the Trek universe, the characters who shone in secondary roles and made us want to know more about them. Download now (right-click and save) Hosts: Grace, Jarrah, and…

Episode 101: “The Inner Light”

The crew takes a deep dive into one of TNG’s most loved episodes, “The Inner Light.” We discuss several themes and issues raised by narrative, including trauma, consent, gaslighting, self-discovery, family, and “the theater of the mind.” Download Now (right-click…

Episode 96: Lwax-Wanna Talk About It

She’s Daughter of the Fifth House, Holder of the Sacred Chalice of Rixx, Heir to the Holy Rings of Betazed. Who the hell are you? This week, the crew discusses the incomparable Ambassador Lwaxana Troi (Majel Barrett-Roddenberry). Download Now (right-click…