Tag: TNG

Episode 82: Prepare for “Disaster”

Our crew takes a look at the 5th Season TNG episode “Disaster.” We discuss Troi’s turn in the big chair, Worf’s skills as a field medic, the unusual pairing of Crusher and LaForge, Data’s disembodied head, Picard’s choice of children’s…

Giveaway: Star Trek TNG Cats!

We’re having another giveaway!  Courtesy of our friends at Chronicle Books, we’re giving away a copy of the newly released Star Trek: The Next Generation CATS by Jenny Parks. To enter: Sent an email to crew(at)womenatwarp(dot)com with the subject line “TNG…

Episode 81: Shades of Gray-t Podcast Moments

It’s our three-year Podiversary! To celebrate, we took a look back over the last 80 episodes (plus 13 supplemental episodes), and chose some of our favorite parts to share again today. Download Now (right-click and save)  Hosts:  Andi, Grace, Jarrah,…

Episode 75: Book Club: Rogue Saucer

Our crew discusses the TNG novel Rogue Saucer by John Vornholt, including how vital good code names are, the ethics of kneecapping, and the importance of hot beverages after trauma. Download Now (right-click and save)  Hosts:  Andi, Sue, Jarrah Editor:  Andi…