There’s a girl sitting three quarters of the way back in the classroom who knows the answer. She feels the knowledge bubbling up to her lips, and wants to raise her voice. She feels the tingle of pleasure in knowing…
The crew takes a look at two episodes with similar themes and plot points – TNG’s “Face of the Enemy” and DS9’s “Second Skin.” Where do they succeed, where do they fail, and why is completely cosmetic surgery apparently so…
Lieutenant Reginald Barclay stands out among recurring Star Trek characters as someone who experiences a range of mental health issues. In this episode, we discuss those issues and how they’re received by his crewmates on TNG and Voyager. Hosts: Jarrah, Andi, Sue Guest: Lucia…
Lieutenant Commander Shelby made a big impression on crewmembers and fans alike when she beamed on board the Enterprise-D in “Best of Both Worlds”. In this episode we look at her role on screen and her legacy in Trek novels…
Looking back at TNG’s 5th season episode “New Ground,” most would probably remark that it was – aside from establishing Worf’s son, Alexander, as a recurring character and featuring the return of the fantastic Georgia Brown as Helena Rozhenko –…
Gates McFadden is better known better to the geek elite as Dr. Beverly Crusher of Star Trek: The Next Generation. Now, Gates is not only beloved by the nerd masses, she is also very active in theater and used to work…
This month brought comic and star trek fans alike issue number 4 of IDWs “Star Trek:Waypoint” an anthology series of stand-alone stories to highlight different facets of the 50-year franchise. The first half of the issue begins with “The Fragile…
Out of all the episodes of live-action Star Trek, only 35 have been directed by women (8 in TNG, 7 in DS9, 10 in VOY and 10 in ENT – graphs here!). The six women who have directed for Trek…