Tag: TNG

Episode 50: “The Child”

Deanna and Ian Andrew

We take an in-depth look at the Next Gen episode “The Child,” in which Troi is impregnated by an alien being. Hosts: Andi, Jarrah, Grace, Sue Editor: Andi Transcription: Rebecca – @carolinalady Download transcript: PDF or Word Notes and References: TV Tropes article…

It’s Not Easy Being a Queer Star Trek Fan

It’s not easy being a queer Star Trek fan. The franchise has been praised for its diverse representation but hasn’t had a recurring on-screen queer character in 50 years – they’ve all been portrayed as cisgendered and heterosexual.* Since Star…

Episode 45: “Lower Decks”

Photo of characters from Lower Decks

In the TNG episode “Lower Decks,” we see what life is like for junior officers on the Enterprise, the relationships they have with each other and their commanding officers, and understand what it’s like to be left in the dark…

Episode 26: O Captain, My Captain (Picard)

Picard in his robe on Risa

Just in time for Valentine’s Day, our crew talks about Captain Picard’s love interests, from his “ghost from the past” Jenice Manheim to the roguish Vash, and of course, Doctor Beverly Crusher. Hosts: Sue, Grace, Jarrah and Andi Editor: Jarrah

Episode 16: Pulaski Pulls No Punches

Pulaski episode art

Doctor Katherine Pulaski (Diana Muldaur) is one of Star Trek’s most controversial characters. Taking over from Doctor Crusher in Season 2 of The Next Generation, she has been described as a “female Bones” and criticized in particular for her attitude towards Data. In this…

Episode 15: D.C. Fontana-rama

Writer Dorothy C. Fontana was the most influential woman behind the scenes on Star Trek: The Original Series, and perhaps in all of Star Trek. We talk about her start in Hollywood, her approach to writing and her significant episodes from TOS,…

Episode 12: Ready, Set, Ro!

Special guest Amy Imhoff of Shoes and Starships joins us to discuss the TNG character Ensign Ro Laren. We look at her key episodes and role in laying the groundwork for key elements of DS9 and Voyager. Hosts: Andi, Jarrah and…