Tag: TOS

Episode 223: Captain Kirk, Space Queen

Join us and special guest Claire for an examination of the infamous episode of “Turnabout Intruder!” What is it saying, both intentionally and unintentionally, about gender and queerness? How have readings of the episode changed over time? Hosts:  Andi and…

Marla McGivers, Khan, and Power Dynamics

Marla speaks with Khan in Sickbay

“Space Seed” introduced Khan Noonien Singh, who has become one of the premiere villains of the franchise, showing up in films from two separate timelines, becoming a meme even non-Trek fans know, with  a descendant introduced in Strange New Worlds.…

Episode 213: Nasty Brains and AquaNet

Kirk, Chekov and Uhura in "The Gamesters of Triskelion"

Three podcast thralls have been selected to look back on “The Gamesters of Triskelion” – an iconic TOS episode with a lot of problematic elements when analyzed with a modern lens. We discuss the episode, how interpretations change over time,…