Tag: tuvok

Episode 217: Festive Hairbands and Air Jordans

Tuvok faces off with the Maquis crew members in "Learning Curve"

Tuvok takes Andi, Grace, and guest Claire for a little jog around Voyager to talk about the episode “Learning Curve.” What would better accommodation for struggling crew members look like? What is it with Starfleet’s “fit in or get out”-ism?…

Picard Recap: “The Last Generation” (S3, E10)

Riker, Picard and Worf on the bridge of the Enterprise-G

Previously on Star Trek Picard: The Borg passed genetic material to Jack through Locutus/Picard, and teamed up with the Changelings to put that genetic sequence into everyone in Starfleet via the transporter systems. Jack went off to find the Borg…

Picard Recap: “Dominion” (S3, E7)

Vadic and three henchmen board the Titan

Previously on Star Trek Picard: Changelings have infiltrated Starfleet, and our team on the Titan suspects that they’re going to attack the Federation on Frontier Day. In an attempt to figure out their plan, Worf, Riker, and Raffi broke in…

Tuvix: The ongoing debate

Tuvix being scanned in Sickbay

Tuvix – both the episode and the character – is one of the most divisive parts of the early seasons of Voyager. Did Janeway do the morally right thing by forcing Tuvix to separate back into Tuvok and Neelix? Should…

Episode 51: Set a Course for Home

Voyager introduced us to the Delta Quadrant, several new alien species, and of course Star Trek’s first woman captain to lead a show. The crew is joined by Charlynn Schmiedt to discuss the stories, characters, and themes in Season 1.…

Episode 35: Best Male Allies

Which male characters in Star Trek do the best job working for equality and standing up against injustice? Forbes Associate Science Editor Alex Knapp joins us to talk about the meaning of allyship and the characters in the franchise who…

Episode 24: “Year of Hell”

Janeway on the bridge in "Year of Hell"

We look at the Voyager two-parter “Year of Hell” and consider questions like: would this concept have worked for an entire season? Is it possible for Captain Janeway to kick more ass? How does Annorax stack up as a Trek…