Tag: VOY

Episode 94: “Elogium”

The crew discusses the fourth season Voyager episode “Elogium.” We talk about Kes’s relationship with Neelix, teen pregnancy, reproductive rights, and more… Hosts:  Andi, Grace and Jarrah Editor:  Andi

Episode 86: B’Elanna Torres – B’Lovin’ it!

Anika Dane joins us to discuss everyone’s favorite half-Klingon engineer: B’Elanna Torres. We discuss our first impressions, her journey throughout Voyager’s seven seasons, and some of her key episodes including “Faces,” “Blood Fever,” and “Extreme Risk.” Hosts:  Grace, Jarrah and Sue…

Episode 81: Shades of Gray-t Podcast Moments

It’s our three-year Podiversary! To celebrate, we took a look back over the last 80 episodes (plus 13 supplemental episodes), and chose some of our favorite parts to share again today. Hosts:  Andi, Grace, Jarrah, and Sue – with various guests…

Kes: Voyager’s Unsung Adventurer

We all have our favorite Star Trek characters. There are Spock lovers, Riker fan girls, people who love the sassier characters like Bones or Quark, and let’s not forget the internet’s favorite Trek character: facepalming Captain Picard. We love Star…

Episode 70: Kes the Menace

Kes in "Warlord"

Our crew looks at the Voyager episode “Warlord,” in which we get to see a whole new side to the usually kind and gentle Kes when she’s possessed by the spirit of a violent alien warrior. Hosts: Grace, Sue, Jarrah…

Who Lives, Who Dies, Who Tells Your Story

Janeway in "Living Witness"

I love the trope of alternate universes. It’s a very comforting concept: another universe, another version of reality, another me living another life. Somewhere I majored in Marine Biology. Somewhere Hillary Clinton is President. Somewhere everything is different, but I’m…